Housekeeping services are under pressure. With rising wage levels, near full employment and the effect of stricter immigration laws, there’s an increasing shortage of good housekeeping staff. At the same time, environmental concerns restrict the use of chemicals, while disposable materials are out of fashion. But you can’t let your standards slip. If you do, social media will soon find out, and the damage can be irreversible.
With all these challenges, it’s essential to ensure that your operating model is at its best. Do it well, and you’ll be rewarded with the best value for your money and customer satisfaction that you can measure.
Our consultants have years of experience holding senior housekeeping positions in hotels and the healthcare and education sectors. We work for clients in schools and castles, hospitals and hotels, factories and offices. We use established industry benchmarks, applying expert knowledge to assess the cost of your housekeeping and laundry operations.
Should the work be done in-house, or should it be outsourced?
We’ll help you answer these tricky questions, based on the size and complexity of your organisation, your geographical location, and the staff you have available.
If the choice is in-house, we can mentor and develop your housekeeping department. If you choose to outsource, we’ll help with tender management and contract auditing. No matter your preference, there’s often a mixed solution that can work with your strengths while increasing your resources. We ensure you get the best for your budget and that your standards never drop.
Planning for the future is another task that many businesses struggle with. As industry leaders, we’re up to speed with the latest technology in housekeeping services. We partner with organisations developing robotic cleaning systems and can advise on new green technologies which cut down on chemicals and disposables. Having these industry connections and insights gives you access to the best advice for your business.
If your housekeeping services are facing a problem right now, then it’s time to take action and give us a call. Our team are experienced at crisis management: rely on us for fast, effective solutions in any emergency.
Once the emergency is over, we can help to future-proof your strategies significantly reducing the chance of it ever happening again.
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